IMPORTANT CLICK "More info": READ!! How to tutorial- second version. This time the video itself has the explanation- making it much easier to understand I suppose. Too bad I can't just overwrite my first vid with this one. OH well. IMPORTANT NOTES: -Works in both 360 and PS3 versions. -You obviously don't have to use Kate (especially if you've beaten the game...) May not work with Michelle (sorry, I'll test this soon). If you use any of the perk girls (such as Carmen) they will dump you if you have a "like" lower than 100%. If that happens you have to start all over (lovemeet/craplist). If you are at 100%, you'll be dropped to around 30% range. Its your choice to figure out if its worth it or not. Obviously its best if you do this before beating the game. -The car is bullet proof (windows and tires cannot be shot out) as well as explosion proof but your windows still can break from collisions as well as any NON-WEAPON damage (such as flying through the windshield). -Although tires are bullet proof, it still can burn off from fire. -The car becomes visibly damaged as normal, but it does not register the damage to the vehicle (it won't break down or explode over time). If the axl is damaged, the car will handle poorly as usual. -Car can be Pay N Sprayed. -Can be saved. You can only have 2 proofed cars saved at a time (as far as my experience goes). Try to make a 3rd car and one of them will disappear. -Involving your proofed car in a cinema cut-scene has a very high chance ...
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